




The identity of a company, i.e. its trademark and logo are very important. The identity is an integral part of any company's business strategy. After defining the logo and trademark, work on the creation of a visual identity is started. Visual identity is created by planning and coordinating visual elements of a company's presentation and then it is brought in line with a complete marketing concept. The identity of a company is primarily its first contact with the public.

Visual identity and creating logos

Visual identity and creating logos

We approach the design of your visual identity as one whole. In doing so, we pay special attention to choosing the appropriate trade (characteristic) colours, creating the logo and trademark, designing the mascot of your company or product.
We don't forget the look of official documents (memos, fax messages, e-mails, invoices, offers, order forms, work forms and the like) which we design by applying the elements of your company's visual identity. We make sure to produce memorable business cards, we make attractive and highly functional web pages...
A company's visual identity is the combination of all aspects which distinctively and consistently represent a company or organisation through all means of communication, not only to clients, partners and investors, but also to its own employees. Generally speaking, a visual identity expresses the characteristics of a company and its business values and ambitions.
The basic elements of a visual identity:

- name of the company
- trademark
- logo
- colours
- typography

A book of standards is made - a handbook in which all guidelines for implementing a visual identity are defined. The book of standards has to be regularly amended because of the constant occurrence of new marketing possibilities and challenges.


  • Creating on-line banners Creating advertisements Web design Branding Graphic design DTP Creating illustrations (vector) Font design Multimedia Mobile

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